Thursday, March 17, 2011

Intramurals and pick-me-ups

No, not pickup lines. You can text Cha cha for those. Seriously, they are so cheesy and delicious that girl or guy will laugh out loud before rejecting you! I'm not here to talk about pickup lines though. I could. But I'll spare you the abdominal strain from laughing too hard. I'm here to talk about pick-me-ups, and intramurals.

If you've been with me for a while, reading suffering through my random collections of thoughts, you'll remember a post from last semester where I give much love to the intramural sports: specifically soccer, and frisbee. I talked about how awesome they were, what a good workout I got, how fun it was to meet and compete against people, and how I learned to play soccer for the first time. You can go here to check that post out.

So what is the deal with pick-me-ups, you might ask. Well, the deal, my friend, is everyone needs these to survive this little thing we call life. They happen everyday, raising spirits, filling stomachs, and otherwise making your day a bit more joyful. Call them little blessings, or happy surprises, the fact remains the same that often these random acts radically change our day for the better.

Take my personal pick-me-up for example. I was having a really busy week, and then, out of the blue a very good friend of mine made me a bunch of delicious cookies! How very nice of that person! So often in our everyday living these wildcard like things jump out at us and put us in a much better mood. Now, I've got a little theory about these things. People like you and I can give pick-me-ups to other people as well! It doesn't have to be take, take, take, all the time. We can give to others too! That giving can come in the form of presents, food, time, saying nice things, or even a short text.

So what I'm proposing may seem like common sense, but we need to actually put it into action! Think about it, the more people helping other people, the more likely someone is to help you out! It's brilliant! All you really need to to is be nice to other people!!! Wow! What a concept. Almost like Christian Karma! (Wowza! !hat was a !ot of exc!ama!ion po!n!s!!!)

So get out there and bake cookies for a friend, spend some time with someone you haven't seen in a while, or send a text to a friend to let them know you are thinking of them. There are so many ways we can bless other people in our lives; how will you bless someone today?



  1. Pay it forward with our actions, right? Helped my co-worker deal with an annoying situation today and really enjoyed seeing him smile! Took me one minute.

  2. Good for you! Glad you took the blog to heart, and put it into action!
