Sunday, January 23, 2011

Sticky Notes.

Simple, intuitive, and generally neon colored, these thin slices of paper with a bit of stickiness on the back have been the workhorse of the organized person ever since I can remember. That's a long time people! Nineteen years! So I was thinking about these notes of stickiness, and after a quick google search, and Cha Cha confirmation, (I always double check my sources) I discovered that they were invented in 1974 by a guy named Art Fry (yeah, he probably got made fun of in middle school for that). But who's laughing now? Not that meanie face, Biff! He's stuck in a dead end job making frys at Burger King right now.

So why Dave? Why do you start your blog with a shout out to the maker of sticky notes, and some random tangent about being made fun of in middle school, and Burger King? Are they sponsoring you or something!? No, my friends, alas the King of Burgers is not sponsoring me, otherwise I'd probably not be writing this blog right now, I'd be on a beach right now thinking about how nice it is that the weather never gets colder than 70 degrees! Again with the tangents! I've really got to focus better so I can finish this post and do my homework!

I bring up sticky notes because I've just recently begun to use them a lot. I've come to that time where I just can't always remember everything that's going on in my life. What with homework, friends, spending time with God, and hopefully getting a bit of sleep in, I can't waste any more time trying to remember what my Geology homework was!

We all deal with these types of issues; we all, to some degree, need help with organization. Especially as college kids, we've got a lot going on in our lives and anything that can give us any king of help organizing our hectic lives is straight from God himself. You're probably asking yourself if I essentially just said that sticky notes are from God, and the answer is yes: wholeheartedly yes.

Maybe you aren't a sticky note person; maybe you're a day planner girl, or a blackberry boy; in the end, all that really matters is that you pick your poison (no, I don't mean literal poison), and add some semblance of organization to your life. Think about what kind of things you can do to become a little more efficient, and organized and then make it a habit.

Trust me, a few sticky notes can go a long way.


1 comment:

  1. David,
    Some more checking you could do.
    This is a corporate communications story.
