Friday, November 26, 2010


I'll keep this short, although my personal list is long; the Bible says count your blessings, so here are a few people who have been blessings in my life.

My parents, my siblings, my grandparents, my extended family: you have been nothing but supportive in everything i do.
My friends in college, my friends at any and all of my past homes and schools: I know some of the greatest people, and for that, I am thankful.
My teachers, professors, and adults who have had influence on my life: you have taught me a lot, and inspired me to learn more.

Individuals: (no particular order)
jeremy, phil, victoria, nick, eric, john, jack, alex, kyle, greg, andy, zach, steve, rylee, ryan, amanda, arlene, dan, mike, DQ, diz, josh, alina, crystal, brandon, logan, logan, trent, jordan, bre, allison, kaiti, katlynn, bethany. there are probable many more that I am missing, but this is the best I can do for now.

I don't thank nearly as much as I should, so I hope you all realize how much you've helped me.


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